Wed Oct 26- Block Island Fall Jumbo Porgies & Knothead SeaBass
Capt Dave reports a great day of fishing today on the Viking Star. We had a great first drop this morning up close to Block Island which gave us a nice mix of Porgies and SeaBass. After loading up we went “Trophy Hunting” in a few little spots off the island and we found them. We founds lots of BIG stuff, jumbo SeaBass up to 5 lbs, along with 1/2 a dozen keeper Cod fish, our limit of large Porgies and tons of Mackerell. Overall, a great day filled with large fish. The pool winner today wen to Nuno Amor from Manhattan, NY with a 3 lb Porgy. We will be sailing again tomorrow (Thursday, October 26) at 5 am for the Block Island Porgies and SeaBass.